Premier League Football Clubs & their Carbon Footprints
We reviewed the latest carbon reporting and activity data for all of the 2023/24 Premier League football clubs to determine which clubs are doing the best in the race to net zero.
The winner is…
Manchester City FC - Manchester City are in top spot off the pitch for their work on carbon footprint & sustainability.
Some of the reasons Man City achieved top spot included:
a low carbon intensity of 5.72 tCO2e per £1M of turnover
a clear commitment to net zero
a detailed carbon & sustainability report
efforts to calculate scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions
efforts underway to reduce their carbon footprint and improve energy efficiency
signatory to the UN’s Sports for Climate Action Framework
Please refer to notes on our methodology at the bottom of this page.
Top Performers
We awarded our highest Gold Certification to 5 clubs: for publishing their carbon footprint, a range of activities they are undertaking to reduce their carbon footprint and a commitment to reach net-zero. The top 5 clubs are:
Manchester City
Tottenham Hotspur
Wolverhampton Wanderers
A further 14 clubs were awarded a Silver Certification for reporting their carbon footprints and for undertaking a range of actions to improve their energy efficiency.
The Premier League of Carbon Activities
Our analysis of Premier League Football Clubs’ carbon footprints and carbon reduction activities is an enhanced extract from our Certified Carbon Registry which contains carbon activity data on thousands of UK companies.

Notable Highlights
Carbon Offsetting: Aston Villa, Liverpool & Spurs
Aston Villa offset the carbon emissions of their stadium for 2023, boasting the only carbon neutral stadium in the Premier League.
Liverpool are the only other club to have reported purchasing carbon offsets & Spurs have undertaken actions to offset including tree planting at their training ground.
Carbon Calculations: Wolves, Man City & Spurs
18 out of the 20 top flight clubs reported their Scope 1 & Scope 2 emissions (see glossary below for explanation), however Wolves produced the most detailed attempt for Scope 3 emissions - which are typically the hardest to determine and form the largest part of most companies carbon footprint.
Man City & Spurs also created detailed Scope 3 calculations for the previous season, but we are awaiting an update for 2022/23.
Carbon & Sustainability Reports: Arsenal, Spurs & Man City
14 out of the 20 clubs have dedicated sustainability sections on their websites. Arsenal, Spurs & Man City have all gone a step further with detailed sustainability reports, setting out their carbon performance and plans for the future.
A special mention also goes to Liverpool, who produced The Red Way - their sustainability report - in 2021/22, we’re hoping an updated version will come out soon.
Smallest Carbon Footprint: Sheff Utd
Sheffield United at 429 tonnes CO2e reported the small carbon footprint of all of the clubs. The average was 2,056 tCO2e.
We need to be careful when directly comparing carbon footprints - as strange as that sounds - although most clubs adopted the government’s conversion factors in their SECR reporting, they may still have different methodologies and also each club may have structural reasons why they have a higher or lower footprint: older stadia, less public transport nearby etc.
Lowest Carbon Intensity: West Ham
West Ham had the lowest carbon intensity of 2.96 tCO2e per £1M of turnover. The average 9.44 tCO2e /£1M.
Although a variety of intensity metrics were used (see next point) we converted all to Turnover, the most common choice used by 14 clubs.
Carbon Intensity Metric: Brentford
14 out 18 clubs use turnover as their carbon intensity metric, which is the most common choice for most companies across the UK. We particularly liked Brentford’s use of Fan Visits for their intensity metrics, which we feel could become a very helpful metric, particularly as Scope 3 emission reporting becomes more common.
Most Improved: Spurs
Most improved would normally take a much higher profile in the highlights, however as the prior year was heavily impacted by Covid, it makes year on year comparisons very difficult. Nonetheless, Spurs deserve a special mention for reducing their Scope 1 & Scope 2 carbon footprints by 31% over the period.

We reviewed a variety of data sources to compile this study including each clubs website, press releases, sustainability reports & statements, annual reports & social media. In addition, we reviewed the signatories to major carbon pledge initiatives and analysed external registries of carbon credits and offsets.
The main factors we took into consideration when determine the level of certification and place on the leaderboard were:
Carbon reporting
Review of their statutory and voluntary carbon footprint and energy usage reporting.
Carbon reduction activities
Identifying and assessing efforts to reduce and improve their energy efficiency.
Carbon offsetting
Exploring any carbon offsetting the clubs have undertaken - either purchasing carbon credits or creating projects to sequester or reduce carbon.
Net zero pledges
Commitments to reach carbon net zero within a clearly defined timescale.
Carbon intensity
The carbon intensity: comparing carbon footprint to turnover or other metrics chosen by the club.
Sustainability reporting
Nature and extent of any sustainability reporting.
Carbon improvements
How their carbon footprint has changed year on year.
Carbon footprint
Attempts to measure their carbon footprint, across scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions.
Participation in initiatives
Whether they are signatories to carbon reduction and commitment intitiatives.
Final Thought
The overall landscape is early but encouraging for mitigating carbon emissions across the Premier League football clubs. The majority have identified the need to report and reduce, and many have plans in action to start improving their energy efficiency and reduce energy efficiency.
But it is still early. We hope to see a continuing commitment and trend toward reducing carbon footprints. There are no quick fixes to avoid climate catastrophe, and we hope to see the good start followed through with a sustained effort.
We look forward to reporting again in 2024 on the progress that has been made.
About Us
Certified Carbon identifies and assists hundreds of companies across the UK seeking to have a positive impact on climate change, and publish these in our Certified Carbon Registry.
We enable those companies, and others, to accelerate their journeys toward carbon neutrality by offering access to verified carbon offset projects that contribute to a more sustainable planet.
Good to know
Companies that voluntarily offset their carbon footprint are more likely to report lower gross emissions year-on-year, and invest more in emissions reductions, than companies not engaged in carbon markets.
Source: Ecosystem Marketplace.
Frequently Asked Questions
It can be difficult to know how to start, but we believe that ‘perfect shouldn’t get in the way of good’. It’s better to create an estimate of your carbon footprint now, and start to reduce and offset your carbon footprint today, instead of waiting for tomorrow.
A certified carbon credit allows you to offset your carbon footprint. To become carbon neutral you can purchase a tonne of CO2e to offset every tonne of CO2e you produce.
There are lots of online tools and data sets to help you create an estimate of your carbon footprint. Head over to our calculation page to get started.
At the moment, we only certify with companies and organisations, but private individuals are welcome to buy Certified Carbon Credits too.
Yes. All companies that offset with Certified Carbon get a certificate, a digital badge and a place on our Certified Carbon Registry.
Carbon net zero: you have undertaken actions to ensure your carbon footprint is zero.
Carbon neutral: you have fully offset your carbon footprint by purchasing carbon credits.
Carbon offsetting can be a confusing landscape to navigate.
Don’t worry.
If you have a question, or would like to contact us, please send an email and one of our environmental experts will get back to you on the same day.