Conferences & Events
Carbon Footprint Calculator
Online calculator for estimating the carbon footprint of your Conference or Event.
Free to use, based on GHG conversion factors and globalised recognised data sets.
The Conferences & Events carbon footprint calculator has been constructed with data sets provided by:
What you need to complete your estimate:
number of attendees
estimate of travel methods and distances (local, regional, national and international)
basic information about your conference: number of days, food, size of venue.
How it works.
The Conferences & Event Carbon Footprint Calculator has been created using globally recognised data sets including the 2023 GHG conversion factors.
In just a few clicks and a couple of minutes you can prepare and complete an estimate of the carbon footprint of your next event.
The calculator categorises also creates a summary certificate for you to use.
Please refer to terms and conditions of use.
Simple & quick carbon footprint estimate
1. Attendees
An estimate of the number of attendees for your conference.
2. Travel & Accommodation
An estimate of the methods and likely travel distances (local, regional, national, international) of your attendees.
3. Venue & Food
The size of your venue - unless all heating & lighting provided by 100% renewable energy - and whether you will provide food & drink for your attendees.
More than just a calculator
This Conferences & Events carbon footprint calculator is for event organisers looking to quickly and easily create an estimate of the carbon footprint for their event, without spending anything on consultants.
The calculator provides you with a breakdown of your carbon footprint into key areas.
You can also make your conference certified carbon neutral by offsetting your carbon footprint in just a few more clicks and for £10/tonne CO2e.
Please ask if your question isn’t covered here.
Don’t worry. You can easily update & reproduce your calculation in just a few clicks. As it’s free to use, you can update your calculation as often as you like.
No. Many conference organisers choose to offset their event to go carbon neutral, but you don’t have to do this.
Understanding your carbon impact is one of the first, and most important steps to starting to act positively on climate change. Creating an estimate can help you and your attendees understand their impact, and serve as a catalyst to change your activities to start reducing your carbon footprint.
The carbon calculator is free to use.
Creating carbon estimates can be a confusing landscape to navigate.
Don’t worry.
If you have a question, or would like to contact us, please send an email and one of our environmental experts will get back to you on the same day.