About Us
Don’t let perfect get in the way of good.
Start something today to measure, reduce or offset your company’s carbon footprint.
We can all do our bit to avert climate catastrophe. And it should be our obligation to do what we can to preserve the planet for all the generations that follow us.
Our best chance is to act today.
Our Purpose
We created Certified Carbon to do two things:
1. Celebrate those that are already seeking to address their carbon footprint - through our online registry of carbon action taken by companies.
2. Enable companies to achieve carbon neutrality by accessing the voluntary carbon credit market with ease and confidence.
We hope that Certified Carbon doesn’t exist in the future, which is why we don’t have external shareholders or investors. Our aim is for all companies to achieve carbon net zero. At which point, there won’t be a need for carbon offsetting or celebrating carbon neutrality, and no need for CertifiedCarbon.com.
However, we recognise that it will take time for companies to achieve carbon net zero, and until then, we are here to help.
About our Founder
Stephen Findlay has been active in ESG and Sustainability for almost 20 years. Originally qualifying as a chartered accountant (ICAEW) with Deloitte/Andersen in early 2000s, he’s been been an investor, asset manager and CEO of small and mid-sized companies in the UK.
Some of his relevant sustainability experience includes:
University of Cambridge, Sustainable Finance.
Distinction in Cambridge University’s Sustainable Finance course in 2019-2020.
Sustainable Design Checklist.
Lead author of the Sustainable Design Checklist in 2020, a practical guide for UK house builders to build sustainably and enable banks to provide sustainably linked loans (SLLs). Produced in collaboration with leading built environment specialists, including Foster+Partners, Stephenson Harwood and Paragon.
Sustainable Fisheries & Aquaculture.
Part of £350M private equity firm which acquired and invested £10M into an award-winning sustainable & organic fisheries company based in the UK, 2005-2008.
My Carbon Plan.
Co-founder of My Carbon Plan, UK’s first not-for-profit looking to fund & create new carbon sequestration and reduction projects across multiple disciplines in the UK, 2018-present.
Wind Energy Investments.
Created & led Fidelity Equity Partners investment theme & research into business service companies active in the wind energy market, 2007-2010, as part of its $500M investment fund.
Certification & Accreditation.
Co-led a £20M investment into a collection of UK companies providing certification and accreditation services, including in the sustainability sector, across the world and to 35,000+ companies, 2009-2016.
Adviser to Sustainability Companies.
Part-time adviser to multiple UK companies, including those active in, or with a focus on delivering more sustainable services & solutions, 2021-present.
ESG Platform.
Co-lead and sat on the board of a £100M global SAAS business active in corporate governance and compliance, now part of Thomson Reuters, 2007-2010.
Frequently Asked Questions
It can be difficult to know how to start, but we believe that ‘perfect shouldn’t get in the way of good’. It’s better to create an estimate of your carbon footprint now, and start to reduce and offset your carbon footprint today, instead of waiting for tomorrow.
A certified carbon credit allows you to offset your carbon footprint. To become carbon neutral you can purchase a tonne of CO2e to offset every tonne of CO2e you produce.
There are lots of online tools and data sets to help you create an estimate of your carbon footprint. Head over to our calculation page to get started.
At the moment, we only certify with companies and organisations, but private individuals are welcome to buy Certified Carbon Credits.
Yes. All companies that offset with Certified Carbon Ltd get a certificate, a digital badge and a place on our Certified Carbon Neutral Registry.
Carbon net zero: you have undertaken actions to ensure your carbon footprint is zero.
Carbon neutral: you have fully offset your carbon footprint by purchasing carbon credits.
Carbon offsetting can be a confusing landscape to navigate.
Don’t worry.
If you have a question, or would like to contact us, please send an email and one of our environmental experts will get back to you on the same day.
Have a question?
Email: contact@certifiedcarbon.com