Directory of Carbon Footprint Calculators
We’ve compiled an extensive collection of free-to-use carbon footprint calculators available online.

Carbon Footprint Calculators for Companies
A collection of free-to-use carbon footprint calculators, primarily for measuring GHG emissions of companies and organisations.
Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting Calculator
For calculating Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions, as required by UK company reporting standards.
Company Carbon Footprint Estimator
10 short questions to get an estimate for your company's carbon footprint.
Churches & Charities
Carbon footprint calculator for churches, synagogues and charities, covering energy, working from home, travel and more.
Farming Activities
GHG calculator designed specifically for the farm level, focusing on emissions arising from agricultural production of crops and/or livestock (5 free assessments).
GHG Protocol
A collection of tools and worksheets based on different industries enable companies to develop comprehensive and reliable inventories of their GHG emissions.
GHG Conversion Factors
Although this isn’t a calculator, it is a very useful database of conversion factors for calculating Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.
Carbon Footprint Calculator for SMEs & Home Working
Spreadsheet-based calculator for SMEs based in the UK, with sections for calculating the impact of home working.
Carbon Footprint Calculator for US SMEs
Multi-step calculator for SMEs based in the United States, with regional benchmarks.
SME Carbon Footprint Calculator
Carbon footprint calculator using GHG Protocol Guidance including direct emissions (Scope 1) and purchased electricity (Scope 2).
Events & Conferences
Calculator for events and conferences covering delegates, travel, heating & lighting and more.
Air Freight & Passengers
Calculators for air freight and passenger air travel.
Please contact us if you know of a carbon footprint calculator we can include in the compendium.

Carbon Footprint Calculators for Individuals
A collection of free-to-use carbon footprint calculators, primarily for measuring personal and individual GHG emissions.
Home Building & House Renovations
Estimate of carbon used to build your home or extension, building upon the methodology recommended by RICS for projects at RIBA stages A-C.
Personal Carbon Footprint Calculator
Estimate of your carbon carbon footprint covering home, travel and lifestyle habits.
Rail, Bus & Coach Travel
Estimates the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions generated from an individual's train travel; or bus & coach travel.
Personal Carbon Footprint Calculator
16 multiple choice questions in our carbon footprint calculator to estimate your carbon footprint
Flights & Air Travel
Calculates the carbon footprint of flights and air travel for passengers.
Personal Carbon Footprint Calculator
Calculator first published in 2007, with a commitment to update as new information becomes available.
Personal Carbon Footprint Calculator
UK based environmental footprint calculator.
Driving Cars & Vans
Estimate the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced by an individual's car travel.
Please contact us if you know of a carbon footprint calculator we can include in the compendium.
Frequently Asked Questions
It can be difficult to know how to start, but we believe that ‘perfect shouldn’t get in the way of good’. It’s better to create an estimate of your carbon footprint now, and start to reduce and offset your carbon footprint today, instead of waiting for tomorrow.
A certified carbon credit allows you to offset your carbon footprint. To become carbon neutral you can purchase a tonne of CO2e to offset every tonne of CO2e you produce.
There are lots of online tools and data sets to help you create an estimate of your carbon footprint. Head over to our calculation page to get started.
At the moment, we only certify with companies and organisations, but private individuals are welcome to buy Certified Carbon Credits too.
Yes. All companies that offset with Certified Carbon get a certificate, a digital badge and a place on our Certified Carbon Registry.
Carbon net zero: you have undertaken actions to ensure your carbon footprint is zero.
Carbon neutral: you have fully offset your carbon footprint by purchasing carbon credits.
Carbon footprints and carbon offsetting can be a confusing landscape to navigate.
Don’t worry.
If you have a question, or would like to contact us, please send an email and one of our environmental experts will get back to you on the same day.